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21 Marzo 2024 | Lezione Lagrangiana: Katrin Tent (Munster University) 

Pubblicato: Lunedì 1 gennaio 2024

Lezione lagrangiana

Burnside groups and iterated small cancellation theory

Katrin Tent
Munster University 

Data e luogo:
21 marzo 2024 dalle 14.30 alle 15.30
in Aula A, Palazzo Campana, Via Carlo Alberto 10, Torino



In 1902 Burnside asked whether any finitely generated torsion group is necessarily finite.
By now there is a long line of negative answers, albeit not necessarily all of them accessible.
I will explain the basics of small cancellation theory and our approach to the Burnside problem.

(j/w A. Atkarskaya and E. Rips)


Short Bio 

Prof. Katrin Tent obtained her PhD in mathematics at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA. Since 2008 she is professor of mathematics and mathematical logic at the University of Münster, Germany. She is an editor for several mathematics journals, among which the Journal of the European Mathematical Society.
Prof. Katrin Tent works at the interface of model theory, group theory and incidence geometry. Her work has been most influential in the model theoretic community.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/03/2024 10:09
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