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Master MPM_Space_Sciences logoMaster Universitario di II livello in
Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences (MPM Space Sciences)

Director Mario Edoardo Bertaina
Academic year 2023-2024


News | For the academic year 2024-25 see the new web page.


Mai come nello spazio ti accorgi che i confini non esistono. Dall’alto l’Europa è un reticolo di luci, collegamenti, i cui confini sono solo dentro le menti delle persone [Luca Parmitano]

Never as in space you realize that borders do not exist. From above Europe is a network of lights, wiring, whose borders are only in people's minds [Luca Parmitano]


Department of Physics - Turin University INAF- National Institute for Astrophysiscs  logo INFN ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana LOGO INRIM

   logo_Thales_Alenia _Space    Logo ALTEC   iMEX.A Engineering Design and Training – Aeronautics, Space, Industry  aiko autonomous space missions

  Hipparcos  Nanoracks 

MPM Space Sciences

Prof. ssa Susanna Terracini

Full Professor at Mathematic Department
"Giuseppe Peano"
University of Turin


  • Live talk Webinar
    21rt of June at 5 p.m. | video
  • Application: 3rd of July - 28th of September 2023
  • Evaluation: September 2023
  • Enroll: October 2023
  • Classes: November 2023 - March 2024
  • Internship: April - September 2024

Application and Admission

Applications open July 3rd, h. 9:30, and close September 28th, h.15:00, and follow the general rules of Università degli Studi di Torino, that you can find in the enrolment procedure.
The interviews for admission to the Program are scheduled in the week of the 9th of October via Webex. To ask for this opportunity please send a mail to both:





Knowledge: advanced mathematics and physics contents to get high-level skills for working in space industries

Innovation: devise of new methods with strong technology impact in space sciences

Experience: to start a career working in a challenging context

Interaction: making connections with top experts of academies, space industries and space agencies

Coordinator: Matteo Luca Ruggiero

What is this master?

The Master in Mathematical and physical methods for space sciences is a one year curriculum which aims to provide students with advanced education for professions in the specific field of the space; this field requires a high level of qualification and it is characterized by a strong interaction between academic research and industrial issues. One of the purposes of the master is to introduce in the field of the space people with solid knowledge in mathematics and physics.

The emphasis of the course topics will be both theoretical and applied, providing the capability of discerning, combining and applying the most useful and modern methods available in mathematics and physics.

A strong point of the Master are the innovative teaching and assessment methods, including the use of a portfolio of the competences of the students and of a e-learning platform.

The Master draws inspiration from an analogous programme offered at the University of Roma Tor Vergata and is currently the only offer of this type in the north of Italy.

Why should I be willing to enroll to this master?

Space related industries and space agencies are attractive workplaces, where people with different educational background cooperate to solve challenging problems. To work in such contexts is a great opportunity to use advanced mathematical and physical contents in a business environment and to do research out of the academy.

Whom is the Master's Degree aimed at?

The Master is aimed at highly motivated students who have obtained or are close to obtaining a master degree (laurea magistrale for students in italian universities) in mathematics, physics or engineering and who are interested in working in a challenging and exciting industrial themes.

Students are expected to be oriented to develop critical capabilities and problem solving skills, to be interested in working in international and challenging contexts and to be able to teamwork.

At the end of the Master the students will have a high-level scientific competences and valuable technological knowledges.

They will be ready to be introduced in a business environment and develop a professional career with a strong interaction between academic research and industrial issues.

During the Master students will develop specific expertise in mathematical and physical topics, including astrophysics, gravitational astronomy and metrology for astrophysics, celestial and relativistic mechanics, astrodynamics, data analysis, from physical, numerical, statistical and topological points of view, detectors and space equipment. Courses in mission design and machine learning will complete the preparation.

They will experience working in group, writing reports and projects and making a presentation. A portfolio collecting the most important works will be produced.

At the end of the program the students will have transversal skills, as communication abilities, problem solving and a high attitude to learning and working in multidisciplinary environment.

  • If you are a prospective student and you need more information on the programme or
    If you are an industry or a company working in the aerospace sector and you are willing to collaborate with MPM Space Sciences: 
    Please contact

  • For any queries on administrative matter: 
    Please send to

How to

Prerequisites and eligibility

Applications are open to anyone holding or being close to obtaining an italian Master degree in one of the following classes:

  • LM17 Fisica
  • LM40 Matematica
  • 25/S - LM-20 Ingegneria Aereospaziale Astronautica
  • LM27 Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni
  • LM29 Ingegneria Elettronica
  • LM32 Ingegneria Informatica
  • LM33 Ingegneria Meccanica
  • LM44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l’ingegneria
  • LM58 Scienze dell'Universo

Graduating students may also be admitted to enroll in the master's program: the possession of the required qualification must be achieved within four months from the closing date for enrollment

Information required to complete the application

Application follows the general rules of Università degli Studi di Torino, that you can find in the enrolment procedurePlease, notice that the preliminary steps to admission are registration at the university portal and submission of the application form. Matriculation is the last step, after passing the evaluation procedure.

When applying, you will be asked to upload:
1. your CV (in Italian or English)
2. your official grade transcript (in Italian or English), if you hold a MA or one-long cycle degree program, or
2bis. a letter of your advisor with the expected month of graduation, if you do not hold a MA or one-long cycle degree progra
3. your motivation letter (in Italian or English, approximately 3000 characters). If you want, you can write in the motivation letter if you are interested in the scholarship for carrying out the internship with  the Partners.

Admission to the Program of eligible candidates is subjected to an evaluation based on the curriculum vitae and the documentation provided by the candidates. The verification of the candidate's personal preparation will be supplemented by an interview.
The evaluation committee will formulate an eligibility judgement and establish a ranking which will be followed for enrollment.

The programme consists of some courses, several seminars, the ASI week, an internship and a final examination.
All the activities will contribute to the production of the portfolio of the student.


The courses are divided in three groups:

Group 1 – Foundations

  • Mission design – 4 credits, mandatory
  • Relativistic mechanics and astrophysics for space sciences – 5 credits,mandatory
  • Analytical methods for the space – 4 credits

Group 2 – Core topics

  • Celestial mechanics and astrodynamics – 6 credits, mandatory
  • Detectors and space equipment – 4 credits, mandatory
  • Gravitational metrology for astrophysics and cosmology – 4 credits

Group 3 – Data analysis and modeling

  • Data analysis – 6 credits, mandatory
  • Innovative mathematical methods – 3 credits, mandatory
  • Machine learning – 4 credits, mandatory

Each credit corresponds to 25 hours of commitment of the student, 8 of which will be in the classroom.


Students are required to attend several seminars during the first semester of the year; the aim of the seminars is to complete their preparation with some deepening on very specific topics or on complementary arguments.

ASI week
In spring students will participate to dedicated activities (laboratories, seminars, conferences) under the supervision of ASI researchers

Students are required to do an internship in the second part of the master. The duration of the internship is about 500 hours. At the end of the internship students will write a report of their activity.

Final examination
The final examination consists in a discussion of the experience and the results of the internship. Students will prepare an executive summary of their work, including technical and scientifical aspects. Some companies require an extended confidential version, for internal use.

Here is the list of internship-themes of the past years.

A.a. 2019-20

  • Light Deflection Differential Measurements for Relativistic Astrometric Observation in Space: Compound Shell Observations Method (INAF)

  • Validation for AI Planning Systems (AIKO)

  • Machine Learning Models for Space Weather Forecast Services (ALTEC)

  • Light Deflection Differential Measurements of Compound Relativistic Astrometric Observations (INAF)

  • Towards improved Deep Learning validation methods (AIKO)

  • An Information Bottleneck approach over Deep Learning Image Classifiers (TASI)

  • Optimization of resources in the agricultural ecosystem using Space-Born SAR technology: the nitrogen fertilization through precision agriculture (TASI)

A.a. 2020-21

  • Light Deflection Measurements for Relativistic Astrometric Observation in Space: the Jupiter case (INAF)

  • Exploiting SFB decomposition to study the observable "photometric galaxy clustering" (INFN)

  • Stack-CNN trigger algorithm for detection and tracking of SD from space (INFN)

  • Determination of on-orbit Resident Space Object (RSO) orbital parameters using space-based optical sensors (EICAS)

  • Analysis of weak relativistic effects for relativistic astrometry applied to space-time navigation (INAF)

  • Rover path planning with graph neural networks (AIKO)

  • Analysis and simulation of space environments and effects on cots imaging detectors (EICAS)

  • Mathematical investigation of the role of singularities on learning processes (TASI)

  • Precision farming and sustainability: prospective of optimizations for new SAR & Optical satellite constellations (TASI)

  • Study of Weak Lensing Cosmic Shear via Fourier-Bessel Decomposition for Euclid (INFN)

A.a. 2021-22

  • Micro Satellites constellation for Earth Observation: A Scheduler optimized to drought emergency management for Italian agriculture (TASI)

  • Analysis of Euclid system performance through VIS image quality metrics (TASI-INAF)

  • Design and Development of Sensors for Space Applications (INRiM)

  • Data Quality and Instrument Performance Monitoring for the Metis Instrument (ALTEC)

  • Implementation of General relativistic formulas for spacetime navigation and test of fundamental physics with higher accuracy space mission (INAF)

  • Design, set up and testing of thermal straps for TVAC testing of the HERMES payload (INFN-INAF)

Courses usually start in November.

Courses attendance is compulsory.

Students must attend at least the 70% of the lessons.

In 2023-24, the tuition fees are 3500 euros per year, to be payed in four instalments:

  • 500 euros, within November 2nd, 2023
  • 1000 euros, within December 31st, 2023
  • 1000 euros, within February 25th, 2024
  • 1000 euros, within March 31st, 2024

The top six students in the ranking established by the evaluation committee will have a scholarship of 3000€.

Depending on budget availability and based on the evaluation committee assessment, other students can have a scholarship as a partial reimbursement of the tuition fees.

Courses and seminars are usually scheduled in the period November - February. The rest of the academic year will be devoted to the internship.

The final examination is usually planned in September/October.

Classes will take place will take place at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Turin, via Carlo Alberto 10, Turin.

Distant learning will be activated in case of limiting movement.


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 30/05/2024 11:07
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